This weeks Playful Science series is a tutorial on how to make a Easter Egg Catapult. A few years ago The Playful Parent hosted a STEAM event in which we made pom pom catapults. This was well received and loved by all the children in attendance. So I thought it would be fun to upcycle our plastic Easter eggs and revisit the idea of making catapults! Launching eggs is a great way to test out the physics of trajectory, force, momentum and inertia. I hope your littles enjoy this activity that promotes learning through play.


  • Popsicle Sticks
  • Rubber Bands
  • Plastic Spoon
  • Plastic Eggs


Stack 6-8 popsicle sticks (7 worked best for us) and secure them together by wrapping rubber bands together at each end.

Stack two popsicle sticks on top of each other and fascine them together with a rubber-band at one end.

Gently slide the group of eight sticks in between the two sticks. Use two small rubber bands or one large one to secure all of the craft sticks together making an x shape.

Next, secure a plastic spoon to the top of the catapult with rubber bands. Now for the fun part, place a plastic egg on the spoon and watch it sore. For extra fun you can decorate your egg. We made a carrot catapult!


  • Try catapulting other fun Easter themed things: jelly beans, peeps or chocolate eggs.
  • Enjoy tinkering with the design: Does the catapult launch better with more or less popsicle sticks in the middle? Does the catapult function more efficiently with or without the spoon? What happens if you press the catapult down lightly vs hard?
  • Talk about the three laws of motion. Here’s a video that explains the concept in a fun way- video link.

***The Playful Parent is a non-profit that provides free resources that advocate learning through play and promote family bonding. All content and photos are intellectual property of The Playful Parent.***

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