For this weeks homemade Monday project, I thought it would be fun to do a spring activity that is both entertaining for the kids and practical. Since we have a bunch of Chick-fil-A tea jugs left over in the recycling bin; I thought it’d be fun to re-purpose and “upcycle” them into beautiful bird feeders. This project is great because it teaches children about nature, provides a fun craft and is a great way to re-purpose trash.


1- Clean 1 Gallon Jug (I recommend a Chick-fil-A tea jug)

  • 1- Craft Knife or Sharp Scissors
  • 1- Wooden Dowel or Popsicle Stick
  • String
  • Paint & Paint Brushes
  • Bird Food (I recommend getting your feed local from Wild Birds Unlimited)


  1. Gather the supplies you will need. Be sure to clean and dry your jug before using for the project.SUPPLIES
  2. Mark an opening on your jug; using a marker, draw a opening on the side of the milk jug. Once marked, cut out the shape using a x-acto knife or sharp scissors. This part should be done carefully by an adult. CUT HOLE
  3. Puncture holes for the perch to be inserted. Using your x-acto knife puncture the jug about a half-inch below the opening, and then again on the other side. The hole should not be any larger than your dowel or sticks width. Next, push the dowel through the holes you created to complete the perch.DOWEL
  4. Fasten the string to the jug in order for it to hang from a tree branch. To do this punch a small hole through the cap of the milk jug. Then feed string or ribbon through the hole, and tie a knot on the inside of the cap so that the string won’t slip through. When you are ready to hang it, you can take the other end of the string and tie to a branch or hook outside to hang your bird feeder.CAP STRING
  5. Now it’s time to decorate! Have fun painting and designing your bird feeder. CRAFTING
  6. Add bird food and hang it up in a desired place outside for your feathered friends to enjoy.T FEEDER


bird books

  • Birds, by Kevin Henkes and Laura Dronzek
  • Bird Builds A Nest, by Martin Jenkins
  • Bird Watching for Kids, by George Harrison
  • Every Day Birds, by Amy Ludwig VanDerwater and Dylan Metrano
  • Noisy Bird Sing-Along, by John Himmelman
  • National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Birds, by Catherine D. Hughes
  • World of Birds, by Robert Hunter


bird bingo

***The Playful Parent is a 501(c)(3) Non-profit that provides free resources to the community that promote learning through play. Follow The Playful Parent online or on  Facebook for more ideas. All information and photos are intellectual property of The Playful Parent.***

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