Here’s a sneak peak at a few of my favorite toys for road trips. Below I highlighted some of my favorite distractions so I can keep my little’s happy as we make tracks to great destinations. The toys we packed are great for toddlers and preschoolers. I had a lot of fun keeping with the train theme 🙂 Enjoy!

BUSY/QUIET BOOK: Surprise your little one with a special book just for the car. They are perfect for getting kids to sit quietly and are perfect for traveling. These felt books are light weight, easy to pack and entertaining. Busy books are great for hand eye coordination, development of fine motor skills and foster problem solving. You can easily make one or buy one on Amazon. The pictures above are of from the quiet book I made with my moms group.


MELISSA & DOUG MAGNETIC TOYS: I love these Melissa and Doug magnetic toys. They sit easily on little laps. When you turn corns the pieces don’t spill everywhere since they are magnetic! I’ve made the mistake of getting non-magnetic ones and it was frustrating for all to have master pieces ruined by slight turns of the wheel and gentle braking. Skip the mess and tears…go magnetic!

MINIS: My kids are obsessed with trains if you haven’t guessed?!? My oldest son enjoys collecting Thomas & Friends MINIS. These trains are great for traveling or even local outings. I bought a small craft box from the store and inserted paper in the lid with track designs. Nice thing about this is I not only use this toy in the car, but I often tuck it into the baby bag for the boys to stay entertained at restaurants. If you child isn’t into trains I’ve seen mini packs for cars, dolls, Paw Patrol and My Little Pony.

COLORING & STICKER FUN: Stay away from packing crayons; they tend to melt in the car on hot days. Try imagineink pads found at your local craft store or even target. I used a coupon and teacher discount and got mine for under $3. Imagineink pads are tiny and the ink only writes on the paper so this marker won’t ruin your car. I would also avoid stickers. A lot of kids plaster stickers all over the window and not on paper. For less mess try Stuck On Stories; each page has a different scene for sticking trains with suction cups on.

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