My boys and I found this Hanging Rainbow Paper Plate Spinner crafty to be magically delightful! We hope this idea helps you and your family have a little fun as you celebrate St. Patty’s Day.


  • Black and Yellow Craft Paper
  • Scissors (Safety Scissors for young children)
  • Paper Plate
  • Paint or Markers
  • Tape


Step 1: Grab a pair of scissors and cut your plate into a spiral. I recommend letting your kid do this themselves; this is a great opportunity for scissor practice! For younger children you can prep this by drawing a spiral on the back the plate for your little one to follow.


Step 2: Decorate your plate. We used dotter markers; however you can use paint, markers or crayons. My favorite paint dotters are Do A Dot. The markers are made perfect for little hands, the ink dries quickly and is mess free!

Step 3: Using craft paper; cut out a black pot and yellow coins for your pot of gold. Glue the gold pieces onto the pot in whatever fashion you like.

Step 4: Next, tape the pot to the end of the plate.  Now it’s ready to hang and twirler! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


The Playful Parent is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that advocates learning through play. Thanks you for following The Playful Parent, for more ideas on engaging your children in fun hands on projects visit The Playful Parent ACTIVITES SECTION.  All content and photos are property of The Playful Parent.

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