I can’t help but sing as I type: “On the first day of Christmas The Playful Parent gave to me a… Slam Ship board game.” I’m excited to kick off this years big event and toy giveaway by sharing about a board game from one of my favorite toy company’s Learning Resources. This year we are homeschooling and finding fun ways to reinforce what they are learning isn’t always easy. I find board games to be a great way to practice academic skills while still keeping their attention. Learning Resources recommended sending Slam Ships; winner of Toy Insiders Summers Hottest Toy of 2020.


It’s the hear-it, see-it, slam-it sight word game of cosmic proportions! Kids build new vocabulary and word recognition skills during every out-of-this-world playtime with the Slam Ships! Sight Words Game. Start by grabbing one of 4 colorful UFO slammers, each of which comes with a suction cup base, and spreading out some of the set’s sight word cards across the table. After one of the sight words is called out, spot the card with the word on it, then slam down your UFO to capture and collect it. Like our other swat games, the player with the most sight word cards at the end of the round wins! Every time they slam, kids build the vocabulary and word recognition skills they need to succeed at reading, spelling, and all sorts of language arts. The Slam Ships! Sight Words Game also grows with them: the set’s 110 double-sided sight word cards come in 5 different vocabulary levels that help you increase difficulty and introduce new concepts for a fun twist on kindergarten games.

Learn More or Order for Christmas Here.


***Update: Winner is Nnika W.***

You can enter three ways to win a copy of Slam Ships. Either on Facebook, Instagram or on the website. Simply like the post and comment about your most memorable childhood toy you got for Christmas. Also, please feel free to tag and share with friends; lets spread holiday cheer and have some fun! Day one will be open to enter until midnight on December 1, 2020. A winner will be randomly drawn and announced the next day.

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