Spring cleaning has definitely been taken up a notch this year in our house. With a new born baby in the home and the scare of illnesses such as flu and COVID-19 circulating; we are keeping the house spotless and fully sanitized. The things cleaned daily are surfaces and objects touched frequently, including counter tops, light switches, faucet handles, doorknobs, phones, remotes, computer keyboards, toys, etc. As you can image, keeping up with this list of things to be cleaned equals running out of supplies faster than usual. It has been frustrating to go shopping for what we need to keep up with the daily sanitizing. Stores are running out of cleaning supplies and options that are both strong enough to kill germs while staying safe for the family seem to be even harder to come by. I’m thankful for Green Springs Rebel Green cleaning products because they are effective and can be ordered easy online. 


rebel green

Rebel Green offers products for every room in the house. In the kitchen we use the fresh and clean hand soap, dish soap, multi-purpose cleaning spray and fruit & veggie cleaning spray. In the laundry room we use the fresh lavender laundry detergent and the baby laundry detergent for little man; both of which are gentle on the skin and smell soft and fresh. The bathroom is kept clean and stocked with tree free 3-ply toilet paper (you can’t beat the price of $1.59 a roll!), spotless toilet bowl scrub and all-purpose cleaner. I love that Rebel Green uses all-natural plant-based ingredients and is a local company in which all products are made in the US. Rebel Green products can be found at Target, Safeway and Giant or ordered on Amazon. With toilet paper or cleaning supplies not available in the store, it’s a perfect time to try out something new. Ordering online is super easy and fast. Take a moment to check out their website and order what you need for your family at www.rebelgreen.com.


earth kindI want to add that EarthKind is awesome too. Over the past two weeks the ants have been emerging. In order to stop these annoying pests, we used the Stay Away Ant pods to eliminate our ant problem. The pods work well at keeping them at bay and the house smells great.  They have solutions for keeping all sorts of pesky little critters away including spiders, moth, mosquitoes, mice and more. Check out their products at www.earthkind.com.

rebel green revolution

***Thank you Tryazon, Earthkind and Rebel Green for sending samples in order for The Playful Parent to get spring cleaning information out to families. The Playful Parent is a non-profit and is not paid to endorse these companies. All information is based on my own non-biased opinion.***

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