I had the honor of interviewing my dear friend and favorite children’s yoga instructor, Mr. Sean. Mr. Sean has brought amazing programs to our county that are perfect for children of all ages. He has ten years experience in teaching yoga and is amazing with kids. By providing classes in diverse settings, you may have seen his expertise in the community already at early childhood centers or even special events. Mr. Sean has made yoga available to youth in Southern Maryland by provided professional sessions to several sports teams, in yoga studios, and in private.  My children and I have attended his classes and have always had a wonderful time.  I love that he has re-invented children’s yoga to be inspirational and fun by making camps and programs that are interesting to kids. Some of my favorite yoga camps include Pokemon and Super Hero training yoga sessions. I hope that this article helps bring to light the benefits of yoga and what opportunities are available in Charles County.


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Children’s yoga is a fun and active practice that teaches kids the many benefits of yoga, yes the same benefits adults get from yoga. Through yoga kids learn many different skills and life tools including:

  • Develop body awareness
  • Learn how to use their bodies in a healthy way
  • Manage stress through breathing, awareness, meditation and healthy movement
  • Build concentration and develop focus
  • Increase their confidence and positive self-image
  • Feel part of a healthy, non-competitive group

Each class, dependent on the child’s age, will learn how to meditate and different ways to meditate. They will also learn when they should mediate and learn how mediation and yoga can help them deal with their emotions. Kids will have a chance to discover MANY different yoga poses through different songs, games, and activities.


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I absolutely love Mr. Seans answer to this… “Adults always ask me ‘How can you get kids to be quiet for 30 minutes?’ Well the answer is I don’t. I earn the 5/10 minutes of quiet. Kids yoga is pretty much the exact opposite of adult yoga classes. In adult classes students are quiet, stay on their mat, and listen to me instruct class and give body alignment cues. In kids yoga we are loud! We are singing the sun salutation song and making many different animal noises. We are off our mat playing games and climbing our feet up the wall. My goal teaching kids yoga is to let them have time to move, talk, sing, and laugh so I can get them to sit still and meditate for 3 minutes AND rest in savasana for 3/5 minutes.”



Here is a look at some of the summer yoga sessions Mr. Sean is offering this summer at Live Out Loud Yoga Studio in La Plata, Maryland. For additional information, visit their website or call (720) 346-8355.


Date: Tuesdays July 9th – 30th

Time:  5:00 PM -5:45 PM

Location: 5 N. Maple Ave. La Plata MD 20646

Age: All Ages

Cost: $55 Regular Pricing/$44 Member Discount

Details:  Classes will learn and explore yoga, postures, breath, meditation and more in age-appropriate activities that will help engage and educate everyone.
We will also introduce mindfulness and dive deeper into mindful practices including mindful bodies, listening, movement, and generosity. These yoga games are fun and engaging while also teaching important lessons that yoga offers like community, teamwork, focus, and concentration.
Facebook Event Link
Website Link



Date: Monday July 15, 2019

Time: 1:00 PM-1:45 PM

Location: 406 Charles St, La Plata, MD 20646

Age:  2-5
Cost: $14 Regular Pricing/$11 Member Discount
Details: Kids come play yoga while reading stories. During this special kids yoga event we will read several stories and perform many yoga poses. Perfect for kids 6 and under. Parents are required to stay if child is not potty trained. They can also stay for the fun as well. We are planning on scheduling more throughout the summer and into fall.
Facebook Link
Website Link


Date: August 5 – 8, 2019

Time: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Mon – Thurs

Location: 406 Charles St, La Plata, MD 20646

Cost: $175

Ages: 6-12
Details: Summer camp provides children with a fun, creative, educational, and enriching experience through yoga movement classes, mindfulness activities, relaxation, games, crafts, field trips and outdoor time. All sure to create lasting memories, new friendships, and a foundation for health and well-being! Yoga and mindfulness can help children build self-regulatory skills, resilience, social awareness, and confidence, as well as gross-motor skills, strength, and fitness. Through yoga, children learn techniques for concentrating, reducing stress, and connecting to their bodies in a loving way while having fun.
Facebook Link
Website Link


***All information provided in this article is based on my own non-biased opinion. The Playful Parent is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and doesn’t receive compensation for social media promotion. I only share about programs that I believe in and think the community would benefit from hearing about.***


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