12 Ornaments for Christmas: Clothespin Snowflake

If you have small children, or cats, your tree probably looks like ours and has nothing on the bottom half.  Here are ornaments that are kid friendly, for that bottom half, and break resistant, for those persistent cats.

Ornament 12: Clothespin Snowflake



  • 6 Clothespins
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Paint
  • Paint brush
  • Ribbon



  1. Take the springs off of the clothespins; a gentle twist should do the trick.


  1. Glue the flat sides of the pins together. Put the ends of a piece of ribbon together and sandwich them between one set of clothespins to act as your hanging ribbon.


  1. Once dry, glue the pairs of pins together in a circle to form the snowflake.


  1. Paint the snowflake. You can paint it any color you like or use glitter; we painted two coats of white and a coat of silver.


  1. Hang and wish for snow!

By: Heather L.

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