Laminated Bookmark Craft

A great craft for all ages, just in time for Back to School!



  • Paper – cardstock, construction paper, etc
  • Clear Contact Paper (can get at Dollar Tree!)
  • Markers
  • Scissors
  • Hole Punch
  • Yarn, embroidery floss, or ribbon



  1. Decorate your paper. For younger kids, let them scribble on a full sheet of paper. Older kids can cut the paper to size first to allow them to make specific patterns or drawings on their bookmark.  Decorate both sides or layer two pieces together to make a front and back.


  1. Cut paper to size. Ours are about 2 inches by 4 inches but you can cut them to any size you’d like. If you had a younger child color a whole piece of paper, find areas with good detailing to cut out.
  1. Cut contact paper.  Cut the contact paper larger than your bookmark by about half an inch in both dimensions. You can either cut out two pieces the same size or one piece to fold in half that will still give you extra on three sides.


  1. Layer pieces together.
  • Peel the backing from the contact paper and place it on the table, sticky side up. Center your decorated paper on the contact paper. The contact paper does allow for repositioning if your decorated paper isn’t too delicate. Peel the backing from the second piece and line it up with the first – press the layers together.


  • Peel the backing from the contact paper and place it on the table, sticky side up. Place your decorated paper on the contact paper, centered on the bottom half. Next, fold your contact paper over, lining up the edges as best as you can. Press the layers together.


  1. Trim the excess contact paper. Use the scissors to trim down the edges, leaving 1/8 to 1/4 of an inch around the paper.


  1. Punch hole. Use hole punch to make a hole in the top of the bookmark.


  1. Add tassel. Use about 12 inches of yarn, floss, or ribbon, cut in half, to loop through the hole and make a tassel.


***If there is a specific design, or picture, that you would like to use (if your little one is particularly into Sofia the First or Thomas the Tank Engine, for example), try using a magazine cutout or printout and then backing it with something else such as construction paper.***

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