I hope you enjoy this clever trick that makes the perfect LEGO travel case out of a basic tin lunch box.  This idea is a lifesaver for traveling or even when at a doctor’s office, restaurant or other places with a long wait. The best part is it only takes a few minutes to construct and is fairly cheap to make. So without further ado, here is this weeks Homemade Monday project.



  • Tin Lunch Box
  • LEGO Base Plate
  • Utility Knife
  • Ruler
  • Hot Glue Gun and Glue Sticks
  • LEGOS for Building



  1. Plug your hot glue gun in so that it warms up.MEASURE
  2. You will want to take your base plate out of the wrapper and flip it over onto it’s back side and place on a cutting board.  Next, you will need to measure the base so that it’s small enough to fit the lid and can close. (I cut my base plate so that I would have enough for two cases.) CUT
  3. Use your ruler and slowly follow your utility knife along the side of the ruler to score the plastic. Important thing to keep in mind; since you will be using a sharp utility knife you will need to be very careful. This is not a project to have little ones help with…Safety first! Also, do not bend the plastic to get it to break, continue scoring until it has completely cut. GLUE
  4. Place a line of hot glue on the top edge of the back of the baseplate and quickly place on the top inside lid of the tin lunch box. Slightly lift the baseplate and add more hotglue to the bottom edge and press firmly. You can use other glues or even command stripes to do this portion of the project. I used hotglue because if I decide I want to remove the base plate; I can without ruining the tin or base plate.FINISHED PRODUCT
  5. Add your LEGO bricks to the inside of the box and it’s ready!





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