
I love my microfiber couch; it’s soft, cozy and easy to clean… Yes, I said easy to clean! The downside to microfiber is that it stains easily; even the smallest of water spills leave evidence. Don’t worry there is a simple solution to this tiny problem. I have found a DIY mix that uses just three basic ingredients to be a life saver. Every time I use this homemade solution my couch looks brand new.


What you will need:

White Vinegar

Dish Soap (like Palmolive)

Warm Water



  1. Combine 1/4 cup white vinegar, 1 cup warm water and 2 to 3 drops of natural liquid soap, such as Palmolive, in a spray bottle. Shake the bottle vigorously to combine the ingredients.
  2. Spray the stained area with the solution. Scrub the area in a circular motion with a soft dish brush, working the cleanser into the fabric.
  3. Lightly spray entire cushion and using a sponge clean the entire cushion wiping the cushions in the same direction so that it dries evenly.



Does the vinegar smell make the couch smell like vinegar?
The room and couch will smell wonderful like the soap and vinegar for about an hour but will quickly disappear as the couch dries, leaving no scent behind.

How often can I do this to my couch?
I clean my couch monthly and haven’t had any damage to the fabric.

It didn’t get all the stains out. Why?
You have to scrub the stain out and then wash the cushion evenly. If you weren’t able to get all the stain out the first time, wait a day or two and try it again.

How long does it take the solution to dry?
I usually let mine dry over night.

How will this affect the warranty on my couch?
Please be sure to call the company to find out because every warranty is different. Our warranty ran up a long time five years ago, but as you can see the couch still looks good as gold.

***Thank you Palmolive for sending me samples to use and giveaway so that The Playful Parent could share messipies and cleaning tips. The Playful Parent is not paid to endorse companies. I write articles based on my own experience and opinion to help families. ***



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  1. I use vinegar when I clean pretty often. It really works well and I am definitely trying this for my loveseat.

  2. I have a microfibre couch so I’m definitely going to have to try this. I know vinegar is a great natural cleansing agent.

  3. Do you think that this would work on things like mattresses and duvets too? I don’t have a couch but I will be sure to try out the method on things that I see stains on x

    1. This solution is like a magical cleaner, it works great on carpet stains and cleaning the bathroom. To make a toilet paste just add baking soda. You also add essential oils for a daily cleaner that smells great too!

  4. I have no idea what microfiber couches are but i get the hassle of having a couch with no washable cover and then having no way to clean it out. Professional cleaning cost a ton and the chemical cleaners from stores will leave you woozy from the smell. This DIY cleaner sounds awesome for these kind of instances. Will it help to dry the couch outside the house?

  5. This is a great solution to cleaning microfiber couches. The cleaning recipe I will have to try on my couch for sure. It is so hard to get microfiber furniture clean and this sound like a great solution.Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  6. Great cleaning post I enjoyed reading it. I use Palmolive to clean more than dishes too. I use it on my rugs, and shoes as well.

  7. Can I ask how old your couch is? I was doing something similar to this with mine, and it worked for awhile, but I’ve given up all hope on it now. I really think the couch is just too old to recover, but who knows.

  8. Great tips for spring cleaning. We usually just use vinegar and water and it does the trick just great! I do use dishsoap and water to clean my rings some times.

  9. What a great tip! My sofa is leather as I learnt my lesson when the kids were much smaller! Kids are so messy!

  10. That is one seriously gorgeous looking couch, but my kids would trash it in a matter of minutes! I’m a leather couch kinda gal, I wonder if this product would clean that easily too?

  11. Homemade cleaners are sometimes more effective and what’s great is that they’re also less expensive than the cleaners you buy in stores. I really should give this one a try!

  12. When you have a dog, chances are the couch has stains and spots that you need to clean! I love how this cleaner makes your couch look good as new! I should try and make this at home as well.

  13. I didn’t know about this. This is so great to know because I always worried about cleaning couches when our son gets older and is making a mess everywhere, haha.

    1. My son threw up a chocolate milk shake in the car and it cleaned that up very well. I would give it a try. If not you may need a steam cleaner or rug doctor wet vac to suck the moisture up first before treating the stain.

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