The Theater

The Children’s Theatre of Annapolis is a community-based nonprofit organization dedicated to nurturing the growth and development of children ages 5-18 through participation in all aspects of the theatrical experience, including performance, workshops, technical elements, community involvement and apprenticeship. I was amazed to see such talented performers as well as strong involvement of youth in all aspects of the theater. From acting to musicians and lighting to ushering the youth were involved in every thing from on stage to behind the scenese!

The Story

Seussical is a musical full of upbeat song and dance that takes you on a journey through the beloved books by Dr. Seuss. The story unfolds as you step in the world of Seuss and meet the beloved elephant from Horton Hears a Who. Horton is bathing in the Jungle of Nool when he suddenly hears a small voice calling for help from a speck of dust. He discovers a young who JoJo and the other Whos from the city of Whoville that are living in serious danger of the wind blowing them away. The honorable Horton vows to protect them. Sadly his jungle neighbors accuse him of hearing things that aren’t there and think he’s crazy. The jungle neighbors try to pull the dust speck from Horton and the dust speck ends up lost in a field of clover.

His unnoticed and shy neighbor Gertrude wants to help Horton but he is distracted and doesn’t notice her. She wants to be as glamorous as Mayzie LaBird so that she can be beautiful and noticed by Horton. Mayzie convinces Gertrude to see Dr. Dake who helps her grow more tail feathers. Having promised to keep Whoville from harm, Horton ventures off to find the dust speck and save the Whoville.  While searching he comes across Mayzie sitting on her egg; she convinces Horton to sit on her egg while she takes a quick and much needed break. She promises to return quickly; however, doesn’t come back. Sweet and faithful Horton does his best to protect the egg. Hunters come and steal Horton, the egg, nest and tree off to the circus. You’ll never guess but who should appear at the circus….lazy Mayzie! Mayzie  grants Horton custody of her egg and runs off again.

Gertrude recognizes that she doesn’t need her lavish feathers and has them removed. She comes to Horton’s rescue at the circus and has the best surprise ever: she searched high and low and found the clover with Whoville on it! Unfortunately, his other neighbors from Nool don’t believe in Horton on want him put on trial to go to the loony bin. Little JoJo uses his THINK to let out a big “YOPP” for all to hear and save the day. The citizens of Nool all agree that they could hear the small voice and were happy to finally help take care of Whoville with Horton. The egg hatches and it’s a half elephant, half bird! Horton and Gertrude join together to raise the baby so he will know both earth and sky. What a happy ending!

The Experience

I never imagined that a stage musical with young children as the target audience would emerge as one of this year favorite shows!  My oldest son and I waited with eager anticipation for the curtain to rise and the show to start. From the instant we set eyes on the elaborate and colorful set to the vibrant costumes I knew this would be an animated and exciting show. I love that the set is playful; complete with a swing and slide! The choreography was energetic with brilliant use of movement and strong group numbers. I was even more impressed that all the actors were under the age of 18. All the characters had strong and energetic personalities. I was most blown away by the powerful vocal quality and character development.


Children’s Theatre of Annapolis

1661 Bay Head Road

Annapolis, MD 21409


2016- 2017 Season

Seussical- November 11-20, 2016

Treasure Island- January 27-February 5, 2017

James and The Giant Peach Jr.- April 28-May 7

General Admission: $15

Youth/Military/Senior Discount: $12

Group: $11


  • If your little one has a lot of energy and you are concerned about them sitting still during a performance. Before or after the performance take advantage of the park walking distance from the theater. Also, during intermission you can take your little one out back to run and jump in the field to get energy out.
  • Bring extra cash there are concessions for purchase during intermission. For only $1 you can select from different treats to splurge on.
  • After the show stick around to meet and greet characters. You can get autographs or pictures with your favorite characters.
  • Matinees sell out quick so be sure to call to make reservations a few weeks in advanced.
  • During the run of each show at CTA there is a sensory-friendly & American Sign Language Interpreted performance. Be sure to visit there site for specific dates.

Thank you Children’s Theatre of Annapolis for inviting us out to see Seussical so that we could see what amazing talent the youth in Maryland have!!!


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