I think we can all agree that teaching our children to help out around the house is a great idea and an important one too…It gives our kids a sense of responsibility and ownership; as well as boosts  their self-esteem and helps them in becoming autonomous individuals. Lets not forget that it helps parents to keep the house in order too!

When our little ones are infants and toddlers we get into the routine of making the bed, taken out the trash, cooking dinner or doing the laundry day after day solo. As they grow we the messes do to and we start to see the importance of unity and team work. That if we all work together to get the house clean than we have more time to play!One way to jump start your child’s drive to help with chores is by making it fun.

Today’s topic laundry:

  1. When my kids are undressing I have them shoot the hoop. My boys always have a ball throwing their clothing into the hamper. Simple but fun!
  2. Minute to win it! I have them help me unload or fill the washer and dryer with a minute on the timer. If we reach our goal we break out in a dance party or I give them a special high five or cheer.
  3. Sock Match Up. I will layout all the socks and have the boys hand me the matches they find. They love this one!

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