Be prepared for your day of departure with this quick check list:


Pack the Car – Load up the car. If you happen to have a garage, keep the door closed while packing so you don’t announce to the whole neighborhood you are leaving.

Travel Attire – Dress weather appropriate and comfortable for travel.
Pets-If you have fur babies, leave instructions for your pet sitter in easy to spot or pre-arranged place. If they aren’t staying at home; drop pets off at their kennel or caregiver.
Mail- Be sure to put your mail on hold through the postal service or ask someone reliable to collect your mail for your hike you are away.
Batteries and Chargers – Make sure your electronics are fully charged for the trip. Double check that you have packed batteries and chargers.
Electronics – Unplug television, computers, sound system equipment, ect in case of power surges from electrical storms. Ensure that electronics that must be left on such as telephones, cable boxes or computers are adequately protected with surge protectors.
Perishable Foods- Discard foods that will expire or go bad while you are gone. If you have food that is still good but won’t be when you return offer it to a neighbor or friend who knows you are leaving.
Clear Out the Trash – Remove all garbage and recyclables from the house.
Flush toilets- Make sure all toilets have been flushed.
Walk Through – Take a last walk through every room of the house. Check stove, coffee pot, curling iron, candles etc. Make sure nothing is left on and nothing is left behind.
Air Temperature – Adjust your thermostat to save money. In the summer we set the air conditioning to a higher temperature so it doesn’t quick on as frequently.
Lock Up – Be sure to check every door and window in the house including front door, garage, basement, main floor and upstairs to ensure that they are locked and that the drapes are positioned the way you want them to appear from the outside.

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