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The La Plata Farmers Market has new fall hours for Wednesdays. We will celebrate with a Teddy bear picnic.



Date: September 7, 2022

Time: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Location: La Plata Farmers Market

Details: Bring along a blanket and your favorite stuffed animal for a story, snack and craft. There will also be a little giveaway from our sponsor P. Lushes by Spin Master.

Cost: Free


We’ve been participating in Tryazon events for over six years and enjoy getting selected to try all sorts of fun games, Toys, and Food. Did you know that you can try out new products and host parties for free with trays on. Tryazon is is zero sales, no pressure and stress free wait to try new things, while having fun with friends.

This month we were sent P.Lushes by Spin Master! This stylish squad of fabulously fashionable friends aired super chic with a sprinkle of attitude and a whole lot of sparkle. Lux premium fabric, and a sparkling color enhance their fashion inspired looks! Everywhere is your personal runway with P.Lushes pets! What made me fall in love with these incredibly cute cuddly creatures are their adorably big eyes! The names of each plush were creative and fun; the bunnies name is Flora Karats and the peacocks name is Priscilla Plum. Check out the adorable collection here. 

This month The Playful Parent held a secret garden party for Patreon members that support the nonprofit. There are a few cute plushies left that will be given away at the picnic.


The Playful Parent was created by Kristy, a mother of three energetic boys. She has a Bachelors degree in Education and a Masters in Clinical Community Counseling from Johns Hopkins University. The Playful Parent is an official 501(c)(3) non-profit organization created to provide parents with a family friendly place to come to, feel supported and leave with information that is useful. The site is kept advertisement free in order to avoid clutter and avoid bias influenced information. Your support, feedback, likes and comments are essential; since the organization was designed to connect the community. The Playful Parent offers resources such as guides, calendars and ideas for making learning fun. In addition, The Playful Parent is present in the community and hosts a handful of events to support SOMD in raising healthy families. 

Patreon is a way to give back to make sure the organization thrives and can provide more free community programming. Donating $1-$2 per month can go along way. Patreon members often get perks too. Any time I have movie tickets or giveaways they go on Patreon first. Click here to contribute.


This giveaway is simple! I have five little friends left to giveaway! Come out to the picnic and you will have a chance to take one home! So mark your calendar and come out Wednesday September 7th.

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