National Geographic books are the perfect Christmas gift for curious kids. We always have four presents for our kids under the tree…want, need, wear and read. My favorite gift to give is read. I searched high and low for just the right book for each one of my boys. I have three energetic and curious boys who love to explore the world. With this years pandemic keeping us at home; it’s been hard to get out and explore the world in person. National Geographic is renowned for their efforts to explore and document the world in a way that helps to educate and inspire its readers.  National Geographic Kids Books are stuffed with interesting information, so here’s why they make the perfect stocking stuffers.


What I love most about National Geographic Kids Books is that they are packed full of interesting pictures and fun facts all inspired by authors, illustrators, photographers, explorers, and researchers that are dedicated to instilling a love of learning.  These kids books captivate young readers with vivid pictures and draw them in to read about the interesting facts. Another thing that I love about National Geographic books is the connection to earth. Topics of concern are often addressed and children are challenged to keep our planet safe and healthy for generations to come.  This year there are few new series that you will find gift worthy.

  • ALMANAC 2021- This exciting almanac is packed with fun facts, fabulous photos on an array of topics. Included in the book is entertaining games section with jokes and comics along with lots of odd but true trivia. This book is perfect for readers ages 8-12.
  • COOLEST STUFF ON EARTH- Your little explorer will be excited to unwrap this book that features the most astonishing animals,  epic extremes and magnificent marvels on this planet. Discover the secrets of the sea and excitement of earths wonders. This book is perfect for captivating children ages 8-12.
  • NERDLET- This little book is the perfect example of big things coming in small packages. This  book is every animal nerd’s dream! This book is jammed packed with information about cute and quirky critters. Inside, you’ll also find personality quizzes, fun facts, animal superheroes, and even a Star Wars reference! Great for kids ages 8 and up.
  • SPACE ENCYCLOPEDIA- This awesome book on our solar system features the latest exciting findings on space exploration. Amazing pictures highlight spectacular views of the universe that technology is bringing back to Earth. The Space Encyclopedia is perfect for the family bookshelf.
  • BRAIN CANDY- Open the candy cover and take a deep and delicious dive into numbers, fun facts, and cool trivia on all kinds of topics. It’s a novel approach to feeding kids tantalizing tidbits about the world.

To learn more and to stay connected with National Geographic For Kids be sure to Like them on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.


You can enter three ways to win a copy of National Geographic Kids Almanac. Either on FacebookInstagram or on the website. Simply like the post and comment your favorite holiday book. Also, please feel free to tag and share with friends; lets spread holiday cheer and have some fun! The holiday giveaway will be open to enter until noon on December 24, 2020. A winner will be randomly drawn and announced the next day. To learn more about The Christmas Eve Jingle Event and 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway click on the LINK.

*Thank you National Geographic for donating these books. The Playful Parent is a 501(c)(3) and writes reviews and hosts giveaway to promote learning through play. The Playful Parent is not paid to work with companies and shares information with a non-biased opinion. All content and photos are property of The Playful Parent and may not be used without permission.*

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