On the twelfth day of Christmas The Playful Parent gave away, Froggit by Smart Games. After visiting Smart Games booth at Toy Fair this year, I couldn’t be more excited to test out and giveaway one of their games.


In this adorable and clever game, be the first player to get your entire frog family to the other side of the pond to win. But watch out as other players try to block you. Froggit is perfect for young children as it promotes learn through play by using problem solving skills, flexible thinking, memory retention and clever planning. The game is recommended for ages six and up and can be played with as little as two player up to six players. To learn more about the game or to purchase a copy visit Smart Games website.


You can enter three ways to win a copy of Froggit by Smart Games. Either on FacebookInstagram or on the website. Simply like the post and comment your favorite holiday treat or cookie. Also, please feel free to tag and share with friends; lets spread holiday cheer and have some fun! Day ten will be open to enter until midnight on December 10, 2020. A winner will be randomly drawn and announced the next day. To learn more about The Christmas Eve Jingle Event and 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway click on the LINK.

*Thank you Smart Games for donating this game. The Playful Parent is a 501(c)(3) and writes reviews and hosts giveaway to promote learning through play. The Playful Parent is not paid to work with companies and shares information with a non-biased opinion. All content and photos are property of The Playful Parent and may not be used without permission.*


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