As a mother of two kids and a school counselor, I know the concerns of catching a cold or other aliment at the return of back to school. Personally, I like to use a more natural approach to over coming or preventing illness. After hearing from many parents and professionals that they swear by Elderberry, I decided to give it try myself. When it comes to over coming stomach bug, flu and colds quickly, I personally have found this supplement to be very helpful.  While I’m not a doctor or health professional, I can speak from my own personal experience with success. I do recommend talking to your health care professional before taking supplements to make sure they are the right fit for your family.


Elderberries are the dark purple fruit of the elderberry shrub. They are a rich source of antioxidants known as anthocyanins. They are know to very effective in treating the common cold, flu, stomach aliments and boosting immune system. There are several elderberry supplement options including; gummies, syrups, lozenges and teas.


DSC_0018.JPGSambucol Black Elderberry has a unique formulation and extraction process which preserves and maximizes the naturally occurring health benefits of the berry.  Certain flavonoids – anthocyanins – are found primarily in the pigments of dark blue and deep purple fruits such as the black elderberry.  It is these that have a remarkable ability to stimulate the body’s immune system.  Flavonoids are powerful, natural antioxidants that are thought to work to protect the body’s cells from the potential damage caused by free radicals.  According to the United States Department of Agriculture, the highest concentration of anthocyanins are found in black elderberries – nearly double the amount found in any other fruit.  The presence of these anthocyanins, gives black elderberries twice the natural antioxidant capacity of blueberries and significantly more than cranberries.

To learn more clink here.


If you would like to sample this product please come to the Back to School story time on August 21, 2019 from 10:00-10:45 at the La Plata Farmers Market.