
I couldn’t be more thrilled that everyone’s favorite family of superheroes is back! “Incredibles 2” is hands down the family movie of the year. The Playful Parent gives it two thumbs up. Just in case you missed it, here’s a look at the trailer so you can see what the hype is all about:

Disney Pixar’s Incredibles 2 made its big debut to the media last week during an advanced screening. The Playful Parent was invited to attend a sneak preview before it hits the theaters on June 15, 2018 in order to share information, review and thoughts on the movie. Don’t worry this article isn’t a spoil alert. I will provide a few details with out dishing out too much on the plot.

I don’t know about you but I have been waiting over 13 years for a sequel to The Incredibles (2004). I remember seeing it in the theater and thinking there needs to be an Incredibles 2.  Fans will be happy to hear that the movie picks up right where the first movie left off… with the Underminer wreaking havoc, and the Incredibles gearing up to face the villain!

Parents are sure to love this movie because there are many humorous moments that we can relate too! To quote my favorite character from the movie Edna Mode says “Done properly, parenting is a heroic act.”  This advise or maybe even word of caution (lol) sets the tone of the movie that highlights a story of parents working together to figure out how to raise their kids in this crazy world.  Something I’m sure every mom and dad can identify with.

Helen also known as Elastigirl (Holly Hunter) is in the spotlight, leaving her role as a stay at home mom to fight crime while her husband Bob Mr. Incredible (Craig T. Nelson) is at home with baby Jack-Jack,  Violet (Sarah Vowell) and Dash (Huck Milner.) The transition is rough for the entire family; especially for dad as he handles the unaware superpowers emerging in Jack-Jack. While Mr. Incredible is facing his battles at home; Elastigirl is off keeping crime at bay as a new villain hatches a brilliant and dangerous plot. In the end the family and Frozone (Samuel L. Jackson) find a way to work together again to put a stop to the chaos.


My two children ages 3 and 5 attended the screening with me. They tend to be more sensitive when it comes to movies that can have dramatic scenes that focus on a negative emotion such as sad, angry or scared. Both my boys enjoyed the movie. Their attention was kept and they laughed a great deal. There was only one scene where the villain was about to be caught where they mentioned being scared. Keep in mind that some scenes could be a little too intense for very young or sensitive kids. The movie has a tad more action violence than most animated Disney movies obviously since it’s a superhero movie; however, everything is kept cartoonish and low key.  I feel over all this will definitely be a great summer movie for families. I highly recommend it!

For more information:

Gearing Up For Incredibles 2 – Activities and Giveaway






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