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Being a mom is one of the best jobs I have ever had; it definitely isn’t the easiest one though that’s for sure! There are days I’m loving every moment and other days where bedtime couldn’t come fast enough. I often try to step back and remember that “the days go by slow but the years go by fast.” I hope this mother’s day you are given the opportunity to step back and see the beautiful woman you are and the wonderful job that you are doing.

BeFunky Collage

I thought that it would be a lot of fun to treat one lucky mom to a weekend off from cooking! This years sponsors are Chick-fil-A of La Plata, Texas Road House of La Plata, Pizza Hotline, La Plata Sweet Frog and Habit Burger in Waldorf.


  • Must be a Playful Parent Subscriber/Follower to win.
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  • NOMINATE a mom by tagging an amazing mom and sharing a little about how awesome they are… or COMMENT what you love most about being a mom to enter.
  • Please SHARE to help spread the word!
  • Each fan may enter the giveaway twice by commenting once on the Facebook post and once on the blog article.
  • One lucky mom will be randomly drawn May 11, 2018 at 12:00 PM. Winner will receive gift cards to Chick-fil-A, Texas Road House, Habit Burger, Pizza Hotline and Sweet Frog. A gift valued over $200!
  • This giveaway is not Facebook affiliated.



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  1. What I love most about being a mom is that no matter how bad a day we have my daughter’s love doesn’t falter, she loves me on my good days and my bad days as I do her. She has been my biggest fan, supporter and my backbone through all we have gone through! She is truly my light in the dark ❤

  2. Christina Gilliam. I am so proud of the awesome mama you are to my grandchildren. You and Steven are doing an amazing job. You are raising loving, compassionate, caring, and smart children. Thanks for being so amazing. Love you. ❤️❤️

  3. I am proud to be the mother of three amazing children. Although they are now adults, they will always be my children. I am also lucky enough to be Grandma to three awesome grandchildren.

  4. I love watching my kids learn and seeing the pure joy in their face while doing something they love. Best parts of being a mom!

  5. I love seeing my children grow and develop into their own little selves that I have helped to mold. It’s an amazing feeling!

  6. I love all the snuggles that come with being a mom 🙂 baby snuggles or big 5 yr old snuggles – they are all awesome ♥️

  7. If you’re looking for a rock star mother look at Minette Bouton! She’s a rockstar student, actively engaged in her kids school, and an unbelievably loving and supportive wife and mother in a not always easy blended family. She’s always cheerful, quick to serve others, and is raising the most kind, generous and respectful kids I’ve known!

  8. I love being a mom. To watch my babies growing up to be such kind, loving, intelligent people theres almost no right words to be said. Fulfilling. I love being a mom!!

  9. Being a mom is the best thing I’ve ever done! We are a blended family with the opposing parents walking away (my son’s father and my twin step daughters mother), my husband and I do our very best to maintain a normal family dynamic for our theee kids (ages 14, 9 and 9). It can be challenging but I love every second of it!!

  10. I love being a mom because no matter how I act or frustrated I get they love me anyway!! I love watching them become brave, free spirited little people!! I love seeing the world through their eyes!!

  11. I love getting to see
    Daily the progress my little has made these last few months . It’s made me so proud to Be his momma

  12. Kellie Hayden is a single mom to a wonderful little boy. She makes sure he gets everything he needs.

  13. What I love most about being a Mom is getting to see all of the joy and excitement on my son’s face 😍❤❤

  14. It is difficult to decide what I love most about being a Mom, I love the morning snuggles and I love getting to relive parts of my childhood (acting like a kid again.) I also love watching those “Aha” moments!

  15. I’m proud of my beautiful wife, Meghan. She loves our kids and holds our family together through all of life’s ups and downs.

  16. I love simply watching my son participate in the world around him. It makes me smile so much.

  17. I love being a working mom & still being able to be there for my incredible littles who are 4 yrs & 19 months old!

  18. One thing I love most about being a mom is the unconditional love my son & I have for one another. If I’ve had the worst day, I can always count on him to cheer me up by making me laugh & giving me a big hug. And if anything is wrong with him, he always comes to me for comfort. Kids trust their moms more than anybody else in the world & it’s such an amazing feeling knowing that he thinks mommy can make everything all better. The bond between mother & son is so special & indescribable. I burst with joy just thinking about him & picturing him running to me with a big smile & his arms wide open when I walk through the door.

  19. I love being the mother of 2 beautiful independent daughters. It’s hard in today’s world of social media and bullying to keep our young people strong. Recently my youngest daughter was attacked verbally by her boyfriend’s mother. A woman who knows nothing about my daughter or her family. It’s hard enough for our children to deal with peer pressure and bullying from other peers. They shouldn’t have to receive this type of treatment from adults. I taught my girls to be respectful even to those who hate. My older daughter and I surrounded her with our love and support. Together we have the love and support needed to get past these types of life bumps in the road.

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