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12 Ornaments for Christmas: Silver Bells

If you have small children, or cats, your tree probably looks like ours and has nothing on the bottom half.  Here are ornaments that are kid friendly, for that bottom half, and break resistant, for those persistent cats.

Ornament 9: Silver Bells




  1. Cut out the egg cups from the carton. You will need two per ornament.


  1. Cover each egg cup with tin foil molding it to the bell-shaped egg cup. Don’t forget to cover the inside, too.

  1. Turn the bell upside down and make a small hole in the top. You can do this with the scissors or a nail if you have one handy.


  1. Thread the ribbon through the hole of one bell and tie a large knot at the end. Then thread the other end through the other bell and tie another knot.

  1. Hang and enjoy!
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