12 Ornaments for Christmas: Paper Baubles

If you have small children, or cats, your tree probably looks like ours and has nothing on the bottom half.  Here are ornaments that are kid friendly, for that bottom half, and break resistant, for those persistent cats.

Ornament 1: Paper Baubles



Paper – cardstock keeps the shapes well



Hole Punch







  1. Measure out your strips, ½” to 1” is best. For the bulb shape measure along the shorter edge of the paper; for the heart measure along the longer edge. You will need three strips for each. On two of the strips measure 3 to 4 inches from one side and draw a line. For ours we made 5/8” wide strips and measured in 3.5 inches.


  1. Cut out your strips and along the other lines. The strip that was not marked can be cut in half by folding it in two and cutting along the fold.



  1. Stack your pieces with the shortest in the center and largest on the outside. If you have a patterned paper make sure the pattern faces the outside.  Line up the edges on one end and staple.


  1. Line up the edges on the other end. This can be tricky as the paper needs to bow for this. Once they are lined up, hold all layers together about ½” down and staple.


  1. Hole punch above the staple for ribbon or string to hang.




  1. This one is easier to work from the opposite end. Start by hole punching the tops of your shortest pieces.


  1. Line your other strips up upside down just below the hole punch with the longest on the inside and your patterns facing center and then staple.


  1. Curve the ends down to line up along the bottom and staple in place.

Hang and enjoy!



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