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  1. This looks absolutely amazing! I didn’t know that Busch Gardens offers such a fine dining experience. I was going to go to BG in July but now I have to go in June so I can experience this. Your photos have me convinced I need to eat all the foods! My favorite ride is the Skyride at night.

  2. Your article is so informative. I love the idea of going as a family so everyone can have fun but the adults can splurge and enjoy sampling of gourmet foods. Favorite ride: Lock Ness

  3. Enjoy reading your posts. The food and wine fest sounds very interesting and adds more options to sample food from other countries. Sounds great. Favorite ride Le Scoot.

  4. I would be in heaven. I didn’t know that Busch Gardens had this event, but I would love to go someday.

  5. I’ve been to Busch Gardens before, but I didn’t know that they have a food and wine festival once in awhile! Such a neat and yummy looking experience!

  6. Ooo yes, I’d enjoy all this food. I love to eat–Will definitely try to go this summer.

  7. I didn’t know Busch Gardens had a food and wine festival – I’ll have to add it to my list for next year. We went to the one at Epcot one year and it was amazing! For some reason their list of regions is making me laugh though – what is “Island Freeze?”

    1. Island Freeze isn’t really a region it’s a new kiosk they added this year that sells frozen mixed drinks. Some from the media group got one and said it was the best frozen drink she had ever had!

  8. Yummy! I have been to my share of food and wine festivals but not to Bush Gardens. If I am ever in the area I definitely have to check it out! The Huli Huli chicken looks amazing!


  9. I love food festivals and it is great how much choice you get. I like the sound of the deluxe food sampler because I am greedy and always want more food 🙂 x

  10. We’ve only ever been to Busch Gardens during Halloween, but I would love to try it now. The Food and Wine festival sounds like a great time!

  11. That sounds like fun. I’d leave my kids home because they wouldn’t want to taste anything, but I’d want to sample all the food! I love that they have non-alcoholic drinks included for non-drinkers like me, too.

  12. lovely event with good food, drinks and lovely faces. i sure will want to experience such an event too. Hope you had fun.

  13. What a great outing and a fun way to sample cuisine from around the world. Even though I’ve been to Williamsburg, I’ve never caught the festival…. one day!

  14. The Busch Gardens Food and Wine Festival sounds amazing. I would love to attend an event like this to try all the different foods. The wines would be an interesting thing to try too. Thanks for sharing your amazing experiences.

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