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One of the biggest highlights of the Easter season is dyeing Easter Eggs. I have to admit, last year the thought of dyeing eggs with toddlers was a little worrisome.  For the most part I don’t mind a little mess, we are the kind of family that plays with play dough on a daily basis and has fun with messy crafts all the time. That being said, I didn’t really want stained fingers and dye all over the table.  Over the past few years I have learned a few tips and tricks that can help make the egg dyeing process a little less messy, stress free and fun!



To save time and to keep the mess at bay I have found that it’s easier to use a table cloth than newspaper. For one thing newspaper leaks through onto the table. Ideally I like to use an old table cloth or towels made from thicker fabric; however, if you want to save time you can buy a plastic table cloth from the dollar store.


As all expert moms know it nearly impossible to keep everyone’s hands dye-free when dyeing eggs; there are a few solutions to keeping hands less messy and it is right in your the kitchen…


Prepare your hard boiled eggs and dye as usual. Grab a metal whisk from the kitchen for this year’s annual egg dying. Just slip your hard boiled egg inside of the whisk, than let your little one go to town dipping it in their favorite colors.


For this one you will prepare your eggs and dye as you usually would; then pour dye into Ziploc bags. Next is the fun part, add your egg.  Have your toddler roll the egg in the bag back and forth for a minute or so. This is a fun way for kids to identify colors and watch their eggs transform before their eyes.  After they finished an egg, they can switch Ziploc bags to try out a new color. Use tongs to remove the egg and store them in the egg carton.


For this easy shake and make egg dyeing trick you can use either Ziploc bags or plastic cups for decorating. Pour 1/4 cup of rice in the bags or plastic cups. Next add 10 drops or more as needed of food coloring to each bag. (Note: you may need to add drops of coloring in between egg use. Do not add dye with egg in the bag.) Make sure the dye is evenly distributed by mixing or stirring the dye into the rice. Once you have the rice to dye ratio perfected, put your egg in. Gently shake or roll the egg around in the rice. Pull the egg out using thongs and let sit until dry.

(You can let the leftover rice dry and use it as colorful rice in a sensory bin Link to SENSORY BIN TUTORIAL )


How to hard boil an egg on the stove:

  1. Place the eggs in a single layer at the bottom of a saucepan and fill with cold water.
  2. Heat the pot on high heat and bring the water to a full rolling boil.
  3. Turn off the heat, keep the pan on the hot burner, covered, and let sit for 10-12 minutes.

How to hard boil an egg in the oven:

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
  2. Using a muffin pan place 1 egg in each of the 12 muffin cups.
  3. Bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes.
  4. Plunge baked eggs in a large bowl filled with ice water until cooled completely, about 10 minutes

How to make egg dye using food coloring:

  1. Mix 1/2 cup boiling water with 1 teaspoon vinegar
  2. Add 10 to 20 drops of food coloring in a cup to achieve desired colors.
  3. Repeat for each color.
  4. It is suggested to let hard-cooked eggs soak in the dye for about 5 minutes.

If you are looking for a kit but want a more natural or environmentally friendly option I was able to find a set at both Target online or Moms Market in the store. You could even make your own natural dyes if you have time:

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