My son was given the Hot Wheels Volcano Blast for Easter from his grandma. He was excited to find the toy assembled and ready to play with Easter Morning.
The Hot Wheels Volcano Blast track is similar to most Hot Wheels tracks as a playable standalone set. The Volcano Blast is designed to fit up to eight cars on the top of the volcano in which they can descend down four different tracks. The track is kid powered! Definite bonus to not need batteries. Your child twists the key than presses the handle on the top to release the cars one at a time. The set comes with 4 obstacles at the bottom of the ramps with a launcher that goes through the middle of the volcano. Fun to watch the cars zip through and awaken the rock skull with glaring eyes.
My son loved playing with his friends track sets and this why Grandma was asked to get one for Easter. I think Tommy was disappointed by this design because he was used to playing with sets that loop or shoot long distances. For some reason perhaps just personality he lost interest in it and it began collecting dust in the play room. I called Mattel to inform them of our experience. They were more than helpful! A customer service representative read my email and responded right away. They offered to send me a gift card to purchase a new track that my son would enjoy. I thought this was more than gracious and I’m over the moon impressed with Mattel.
My son was so excited when his gift card came in the mall. He was like a kid in a candy store when we got to the Hot Wheels aisle at Target. He selected the Hot Wheels Super Loop Raceway. We assembled it immediately and we couldn’t get him away from this toy for hours. You will need batteries for this track; however, it’s worth it! You turn on the motor and place cars on the ramp, release the car and watch it zoom through the loops. Add more cars and watch them crash.

When selected a track remember that every kid is different, you can’t go wrong with any Hot Wheels set because they all are cool. Just keep in mind three different things does your kid enjoy building and creating, pushing and playing with cars or are they fascinated with watching them race and crash.
When buying cars for tracks I recommend buying the Hotwheel brand cars, sometimes the cheaper off brand cars aren’t as heavy and don’t work as well on the tracks.

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